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Member's Quotes
Nancy B. - "My guiding Light, my star. Following her footsteps as healer, poet and creator."
Mike M. - "Brighid knocked, and my heart heard her when my ears could not. I opened the door, and she filled my dark with light." - (Artwork by Helena Nelson-Reed)
Kimm S. - "Brighid is a connection to all my unknown ancestors down that line. Where once I rejected the possibility of that lineage, my turn at keeping Her flame now helps me accept what is." - (Artwork by Sue Kouma)
Esther H. - "Of all the Powers Whom I revere, She is my Sister-in-Spirit, my friend, companion, confidant, mentor." - (Artwork by Barrie Maguire)
Mark B. - "To me Brighid is Healer, Protector, Friend, Sister. She is the bridge between Christianity and the Old Pagan Religion. Of all the Gods and Goddesses, Brighid is the one I love most." - (Artwork by Lisa Iris)
Pauline K. - "In my work as a nurse and massage therapist she is my healing inspiration. When words escape me I look to her for guidance. And she is the creative fire within. I don't know the artist behind this picture but it has always been my favorite." - (Artwork by Kittenpants)
Ellie B. - "Just as she is a bridge between Catholic Saint and pagan goddess, she is also a bridge between myself and my ancestors. Just as she was able to re-invent herself, I too am able to re-invent myself and my spirituality. She has taught me to overcome, adapt, survive, and step forward to shine bright in a renewed light." - (Artwork by Ann Burt)
Kris F. - "Brighid is the fire in my hands and creative imagination as I weave my wheat." - (Artwork bySabina Espinet)
Kai Taladin - "She is the Holy Flame that guides me in the nights of my life and the Holy Fountain to which I can return at any time." - (Artwork by Joanna Powell Colbert)
Esther H. - "She offers. We do not have to accept but we must be aware of the responsibilities when we receive Her Fire." - (Artwork by Michele-lee Phelan)
Dave G. - "The Poet has inspired me The Smith has formed me The Healer has opened me And the Midwife has delivered me." - (Artwork by Friz)
Richard D. - "I often ask myself “what would Brigit do” when faced with the needs of friends, family & even strangers. Her acts of generosity are a benchmark that help guide my charity." - (Artwork by Laura Ramie)
Diane P. - "Brigid is my protector, healer, and light. She was the Goddess I called upon in my healing work as an RN and the one I call upon in my own need now. She’s is the bridge to my Celtic ancestors that I never met but feel in spirit. Brigid humbles me, teaches me, and brings me hope." - (Artwork byHelena Nelson-Reed)
Bobbie C. - "For me, though still newly learning, as i am always drawn to the celts, she is, via whats been written historically and handed down verbally, an actual individual whom we have some insight through in terms of our celtic ancestors. She also means to me growth/mother, kindness, healing and strength. She is a juxtaposition of all these and including mother, maiden and crone. A true Goddess. It's difficult to say a favorite picture for me as they all represent all she embodies in different styles, but I definitely have some!" - (Artwork by Nox Benedicta)
Ci Ci - “A Goddess and a Saint, who defies time and space; of fire and water, who is wife, mother, and daughter; a protector, peacekeeper, and healer, stumbling upon her stories and legends I became an objector, sparking a seeker into becoming an initiated believer.” - (Artwork by Lady Viktoria)
Barbara C. - "During an exercise in a local pagan meet-up this beautiful tarot card, from The Goddess Oracle deck, presented itself to me. I had just had my 2nd kidney transplant less than a year prior. You can say Brigid came with her healing mantle for the healing I required, her forge fire for the strength and courage I needed, and her nurturing as she is also a giver of life. This is the tarot card, my favorite image." - (Artwork by Hranto Janto)
Who Is Brighid
History of Brighid's Flame
Keening & Grief
Brighid & Cailleach
Stories of Brighid
Sacred Symbols, Correspondences & Offerings
Brighid & The Moon
Virtual Candles
Flame Keepers
Vigil Calendar
A Flame Keeper's Ritual
The Ogham
Brighid's Cloak
Sunday Prayers
Peace, Justice & Healing
Our Abbess
Our History
Tribute to Our Former Abbesses
Water Tender
Map of Holy Wells
19 Flames
Prayers & Invocations
Prayer Beads
Our 19 Days of Devotion to Imbolc
Wheel Of The Year
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